Mission Statement

We want to be a part of building a better world – one where everyone’s needs are met simply and readily, where people’s relationships are meaningful, and their interactions with the world around them are restorative. The members of Hidden Alley Ranch Housing Co-op work to realize this vision in our lives: by sharing material resources, by living simply and cooperatively, and by cultivating a joyful, loving environment. We take into account differences in income in the ways we share costs and build equity for all by bolstering collective ownership. We share creativity, skills, tools, and labor to cultivate beautiful spaces internally and externally.         

This is how we weather capitalism together: by building resilient communities beyond it.

The housing co-op is in its early days, and draws from many models. The founders had lived at Mariposa Grove, served on the board of Dancing Rabbit, worked with the developing group Winding Rivers, and were also inspired by N-Street, LILAC, Maitri House, and by conversations within the St. Louis Ecovillage Network. Members also bring experiences in student co-ops (2D, Cayuga Lodge, Watermargin), and many collectives and cooperatively managed groups.

Financial Model

After a trial period of six months, residents will be able to become a full members and join the property ownership group, thus gaining financial equity in the co-op based on their monthly payments. We aim for income diversity by separating usage & maintenance costs from the capital costs. Usage and maintenance fees are based on space occupancy, while both the capital costs and gained equity of ownership vary based on income. No initial down-payment is required. Mortgage and other capital-related expenses are thus borne most by the members best able to support them, but all member households will gain equity and contribute a comparable percent of their income on the capital costs of the buildings.

Our Values

Social Equity – Commitment to self-governance, dismantling oppressive systems, nurturing personal growth and relationship building, resolving conflicts with mutual respect and effective communication, and by working together to strengthen the cooperative movement.

Economic Diversity – Account for income diversity through shared costs while building collective ownership. Keep costs low to allow for lower income households to participate. Strive for equitable economic treatment for all members, past, present, and future. 

Environmental Restoration – Support a lifestyle of elegant simplicity and low-impact practices. Seek a regenerative relationship with our surroundings and strive to reduce consumption of material goods. Reduce our individual ecological footprint and encourage a community ethic of resource sharing.

Day-to-day Life in the Housing Co-op

  • A shared meal every week
  • Bi-weekly meetings to plan social activities and work on special projects
  • Monthly work parties for building and site upkeep
  • Shared amenities (bike workshop/woodshop/tool-sharing/laundry etc.)
  • Consensus-based group decision making
  • Commitment to an internal conflict resolution process

We encourage anyone to reach out to us, and of course welcome folks of any race, gender, sexuality, citizenship status, ability, neurotypicality, nationality, or origin. It is expected that Housing co-op members work with us to develop a functional means of intentional living within our group and the community writ-large. While we welcome folks with a whole range of interests and experience, we hope that co-op members will bring their own energy and creativity to help grow our project.